Saturday, 18 June 2011

So Many Bittersweet Moments In So Little Time

Wow these past few weeks have been both on the intense level but also the sad side!

Last Tuesday I attended and participated in my last Achievement Day ever. Like I said in one of my very first post 4-H is a program that has changed my life for the good. Since the program has made such an impact on my life I have really been dreading moving on. But that day as I had been talking to many different people about 4-H being over for me, the response I received was "Ya we will miss you, but you are also going to move onto bigger and better things in life. You will always come back and visit also!" With those words I realized that they are right, 4-H will always be a huge part of my life, but by moving on I am making room for other just as exciting things!
My beautiful Heifer and Myself!

It also made it easier to leave 4-H because I had one hell of a day! In the female show both my 2 year old and Mature Cow received Reserve Champion. And then I received Reserve Champion Breeders Herd. I also finished the female show off with winning the Willow Creek District Showman! In the afternoon we had the steer show, and my steer placed 3rd overall in Seniors. And as a pair we placed 2nd in Grooming and 1st in Showmanship. My last time in the 4-H ring was for Steer Showmanship for the District, and I won Reserve Champion. It was a fantastic day!

Reserve Champion Breeders Herd
Not only on the showing end did we do good, but I sold my steer for a very good price. At this time though I would like to tell you guys a little about my steer! As many people have pointed out he is black this year...something that would have never been thought of. But I would also like to point out the fact that he has a white head, no other breed would give a white head other than a Hereford...meaning he is just as much Hereford as Angus! I have always wanted to try having a Baldie as a steer, and this year was my last possible chance. I got quite attached to my steer, so selling his a bit on the difficult side. But I received $1.80 (a really good price compared to my club) for his 1257lbs of sale weight!
My steer <3

Following Achievement Day I have been busy finishing up my record books for my heifer and steer. It is a very tedious job, but something I take great pride and effort in. I have also been wrapping up school, I have now bypassed my last day of high school ever, and have completed my English Diploma. I now just have Pure Math on Thursday. High School like 4-H is something that I am moving on from, to bigger and better things!

It's been a great past few weeks!


  1. Congrats on getting the great price and all the great awards... now life must move on, eh. Good luck on the tests.
